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Dog Walker Wanted West Midlands
No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £12visit/walk
Applications Close: 22nd May 2018
Job Specifics
Posted On: 30th April 2018
Location: Halesowen, West Midlands
Job Starts: Now
Duration: 2-3 days a week
Employer: Jeanette
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Dolly
Breed: Cavalier king Charles Spaniel
Dog Walker
I work full time and so my 10 month old CKS, Dolly, can get left for long periods.
She spends a lot of time at her sister at my mums but this is not always possible. I am looking for a dog walker for 2-3 times per week at about midday.
Dolly would just need letting out and taken for a short walk down the road. She is a lovely dog with lots of energy and a fantastic temperament and gets on with other dogs easily.
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