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Dog Walker Wanted West Midlands
No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 20th October 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 1st October 2016
Location: Sheldon Birmingham, West Midlands
Job Starts: 19th October
Duration: When needed
Employer: Vicky
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Roxy
Breed: Unknown
Size: Large
Temper: Good
Dog Walker
- Want dog(s) to be walked alone
I am looking for a new dog walker as the company I currently use is closing down. We live in Sheldon and have one dog called Roxy who we have had for just over a year. She was a rescue dog and therefore we are unsure about age and breed but she is around 3 years old and is a large dog. Possible boxer/ Rottweiler or Labrador/ staffy. Really not sure!! We usually need to book walks fairly late due to my partner not finding out his schedule for the following week until Friday.
Roxy is having training with a company which has improved her walking immensely however we do not let her off the lead yet as she is very easily distracted. She displays frustrated behaviour such as lunging and barking/crying when walking past other dogs which she is also having training for to improve. Due to this we would prefer her to be walked either on her own or socialised carefully with other dogs one at a time before going out with lots of their dogs first time.
Do you think your company would be able to meet our needs for a dog walker?
Thanks for your time. Look forward to hearing from you.
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