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Dog Walker Wanted Warwickshire

No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £12visit/walk
Applications Close: 20th September 2019 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 3rd September 2019
Location: Rugby, Warwickshire
Job Starts: September
Duration: 2-3 days a week
Employer: Jenny

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Barney
Breed: Labradoodle


Dog Walker


I would like someone to walk Barney 2-3 times a week on the days that I have heavy workloads. I work out my days/meetings to attend a week in advance so would be able to let you know then, the days required for the following week. Generally though it will be Mon,Tues and Fridays.

Barney is full of energy and will require a 45-60 minute walk/play session on these days.

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"Dogwalking now is amazing ive been on the site for 2 days and already found a few jobs im interested in!!! Hopefully ill get them!! Feel free to look at my profile!! Thanks dogwalking now!!!"

- Anastasia -

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