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Dog Walker Wanted Surrey
No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £10-15visit/walk
Applications Close: 28th April 2018
Job Specifics
Posted On: 5th April 2018
Location: Banstead, Surrey
Job Starts: asap
Duration: daily weekdays 4 months
Employer: Teresa
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Roly
Breed: Pug
Size: Small
Dog Walker
I have a broken ankle so am unable to walk Roly at the moment. I am currently working from home but will be returning to work shortly so would ideally like someone to come and walk him a few times while I am around and then daily when I return to work.
I do not know how long this will be for but it will be at least until the end of August but probably longer as I will have to build up the strength in my ankle.
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