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Dog Walker Wanted Surrey
No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 15th February 2018
Job Specifics
Posted On: 1st February 2018
Location: ADDLESTONE, Surrey
Job Starts: 5.2.18
Duration: Mon - Fri
Employer: Ciara
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Ciara Lonergan
Breed: Alsatian
Size: 28kg
Temper: energetic
Dog Walker
- Want dog(s) to be walked alone
I am looking for a dog walker to walk my Alsatian. Her name is Mae and she loves balls! I live and work on the same road but I unfortunately can not leave my place of work over the lunch time period.
Ideally we would like someone who is able to walk Mae anytime between 10am - 2pm for an hour. She does pull a little on the lead and can be a little cheeky at the end of walks so if you are not assertive may find it challenging to get back on the lead. She needs someone loving and kind (she loves kisses) but firm. She is well behaved and comes back when called.
She loves balls and sticks!! She can be a little possessive over them. She does get dermatitis in her back paws so I just ask that she doesn't go into water unless you are able to dry her paws and when throwing balls or sticks its never on concrete. She is a good girl, she is very energetic, enthusiastic and excitable. :)
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