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Dog Walker Wanted Suffolk

No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: ££6visit/walk
Applications Close: 10th September 2018 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 26th August 2018
Location: newmarket, Suffolk
Job Starts: a.s.a.p.
Duration: for the next 3=4 months
Employer: Tessa

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Bella
Breed: Jack Russell
Size: small
Temper: loves every human


Dog Walker

- Want dog(s) to be walked alone


I have just become a Widow and my Husband always walked Bella,I am having a hip replacement late September so am not able to walk her,she only needs about half an bour a day as we have a sizable garden but she needs to have a change. She likes ladies but am sure she will enjoy having a chap ,its adapting at he moment to just the two of us.

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