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Dog Walker Wanted South Yorkshire
No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £10hour
Applications Close: 29th January 2017
Job Specifics
Posted On: 27th January 2017
Location: Penistone / Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Job Starts: Monday 30/01/17
Duration: 5 days
Employer: Jeff
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Perran
Breed: Collie x Springer
Size: Medium (20kg)
Temper: Energetic & Playful
Dog Walker
SHORT TERM COVER required for our regular dog walker, who goes on holiday between Monday 30th Jan 2017 & Friday 3rd Feb 2017.
To walk our Springer/Collie cross Perran once or twice a day, either 11am & 3pm for half an hour each, or 1pm for an hour. To cover the following dates: 30/31 Jan, 01/02/03 Feb. Rate negotiable, but around £10/hr considered.
Please contact us.
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