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Dog Walker Wanted Somerset

No. of Applicants: 3
Pay: £10-12visit/walk
Applications Close: 27th August 2017 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 12th July 2017
Location: Wellington, Somerset
Job Starts: asap
Duration: afternoons
Employer: Jim

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Dozer
Breed: French Bulldog


Dog Walker


Hi there. Dozer is our French Bulldog and wants walking each afternoon while we work. He has been neutered so can go out in groups.

He sometimes needs to stop and rest when the weather is really hot so please be aware if he starts lagging behind; it's the heat.

If someone could start with him asap please, we live in Wellington and can arrange to meet up this week with prospective walkers. Thanks

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"I have just landed my first job from this site, looking after ''Fifi'' the King Charles for a week whilst the owner is on holiday and i have a grey hound called Millie coming for day..."

- Suzanne29 -

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