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Dog Walker Wanted Merseyside

No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £5-7 a walk
Applications Close: 1st January 2019 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 9th December 2018
Location: Litherland, Merseyside
Job Starts: 3rd January
Duration: Ongoing
Employer: Amy

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Albus
Breed: Cavalier King Charles spaniel
Size: Very small
Temper: Lovely natured


Dog Walker


We have had our lovely Albus for over 1 month now and he is 20 weeks old :)

He loves all dogs and humans and is such a friendly puppy.

I am looking for someone who could walk him 4 days during the week at around 12:00 - 12:30 or could provide a day care service a few times a week. Starting on 3rd January 2018

It would be essential to meet you and see your home ( if providing day care) before agreeing to anything.

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"I got a Dog Sitting job for a 4 months old Labradoodle through Dog Walking Now. The puppy was with me last Tuesday and Friday."

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