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Dog Walker Wanted London (South East)

No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £10-12visit/walk
Applications Close: 17th July 2019 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 7th June 2019
Location: Brockwell Park area, London (South East)
Job Starts: Now
Duration: 2-3 days a week
Employer: Wendy

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Mossy
Breed: Lhasa Apso


Dog Walker


Mossy is an 8 year old Lhasa Apso who now has separation anxiety which means she cannot be left for really long hours.

I would need her walked 2-3 days a week for around 40 minutes. She is very loving and well behaved. She just craves human company so much.

Thanks in advance


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