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Dog Walker Wanted London (Central)

No. of Applicants: 3
Pay: £9.00/hour
Applications Close: 29th October 2015 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 19th October 2015
Location: East Finchley, London (Central)
Job Starts: 26/10/15
Duration: 1 hour
Employer: Kelly

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Dixie
Breed: Staffy
Size: puppy
Temper: vibrant and agile


Dog Walker


Dixie is a 9 week old puppy and my husband and I would love if we could find someone to walk her Monday -Friday in the afternoons from around 1-2pm to break up the day for her.

We would like her to socialise with other dogs but perhaps a few walks on her own would be beneficial to get her used to traffic and noises before introducing her to other dogs.

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"Hurrah! I have just met the lovely Barnie and he's coming to stay in a few weeks all thanks to Dog Walking now. This is a marvellous resource for both owners and walkers alike. Fab - thankyou!"

- Debbie Dolittle -

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