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Dog Walker Wanted Lancashire
No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 7th July 2017
Job Specifics
Posted On: 25th June 2017
Location: Blackburn, Lancashire
Job Starts: asap
Duration: Daily
Employer: Sally
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Willow
Dog Walker
Daily walks please for Willow.
Willow likes to be run off the lead and is happy around other dogs. We live in Blackburn and would like someone local so that in the event we need an extra walk if we are called away (as we often can be due to family illness) then that person could be on standby.
The main job though is to take Willow out Monday to Friday whilst we are working. Please drop us a message if you can help.
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