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Dog Walker Wanted Kent
No. of Applicants: 3
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 25th May 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 4th May 2016
Location: Chislehurst, Kent
Job Starts: ASAP
Duration: Ongoing
Employer: Laura
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Laura Fox
Breed: Shar Pei
Size: Medium
Temper: 1 = friendly, confident 2= nervous, strong, friendly when you get to know him, unsure of other dogs
Dog Walker
- Want dog(s) to be walked alone
I have two Bear Coat Shar Peis that need to be walked three times per week, ideally on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at any time. I am returning to full-time work so will be unable to walk them both every day.
My female is very friendly, good with other dogs and people, can be walked off-lead and is a happy, confident dog. My male is quite different - once he gets to know and trust you, he is a very sweet-natured, loving dog but he is also very nervous. Because of his nervousness (and quite typical of male Shar Pei) he is very wary of strangers and we encourage people to just ignore him when we are out walking. This also applies to other dogs. He has to stay on the lead (and is a bit of a puller) and can lunge at other dogs if they get too close to him. He is NOT aggressive, just nervous. He will not attack another dog, he simply gives them a warning if they get too close.
I am looking for a dog-walker who is considerate of larger, dominant and strong breeds, such as Shar Pei, and who is confident in controlling him when out on walks. The female will happily run alongside you, only heading off to sniff elsewhere every so often.
I return to work on the 23rd May so would like someone to start walking them ASAP so I can be here for the first lot of walks. We did previously discuss a service with a local dog-walker who is now unfortunately unavailable. She was charging £15 per walk for both dogs (the length of walk is negotiable, between 30 mins and 1 hour) and this is roughly what we are looking to pay. The dogs can't be walked as part of a group, they will have to be walked together solely.
Please get in touch if you are able to help, you will absolutely adore them both when you get to know them.
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