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Dog Walker Wanted Gloucestershire
No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £10visit/walk
Applications Close: 10th March 2017
Job Specifics
Posted On: 18th January 2017
Location: Gloucester, Gloucestershire
Job Starts: next few weeks
Duration: twice as week plus ad ho
Employer: Harry
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: bobby
Breed: bearded collie
Size: mesium
Temper: placid
Dog Walker
I have to work in London 2 days a week, I can choose these days but on them it means I need a walker for bobby my bearded collie. I also need someone to look after him for 2 week in March, happy to pay £20-30 a day for the holiday, I just can't bare the idea of him being in kennels.
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