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Dog Walker Wanted Essex
No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 4th November 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 12th October 2016
Location: braintree, Essex
Job Starts: Asap
Duration: 30
Employer: Denise
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Layla
Breed: cross bread
Size: medium
Temper: friendly/sociable
Dog Walker
I have a 3 yr. old crossed breed dog, needs a new lunchtime friend for 30min visits. Between 11.30 - 2pm, mon-fri. Preferable for daily visits but willing accept whatever availability someone has. She has had dog walker since she was 9 months old, so she is used to visits, but this week she is without anyone to visit her during the day.
She is a very friendly girl because she is very nosey, but needs the monotony of the day broken up by a friendly face. To let her out and some play time.
Please include prices in reply
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