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Dog Walker Wanted Essex
No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 15th May 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 1st May 2016
Location: colchester, Essex
Job Starts: may 11 th 2016
Duration: 1 hour morning 1 hour af
Employer: Coral
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: chica
Breed: boxer
Size: medium
Temper: loving
Dog Walker
Hi, my name is coral and i have been walking my dog chica for 4 hours a day, but have had to cut it down to 2hpd because I'm to have a knee replacement on the 20th may It's very painful and a neighbour's son has done the afternoon walk.
Chica is an adorable dog loves everyone and small dogs, she gets unsure of large dogs her tail tucks under and she will give them a wide berth.
I usually take her to Friday woods or the beach anywhere that's interesting for her and me.
I would like the dog walker to come over and get to know her so that she feels comfortable when out. I will need someone for some time after as it will take a while for me to be capable to take her out.
thank you
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