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Dog Walker Wanted Buckinghamshire
No. of Applicants: 4
Pay: £10/visit/walk
Applications Close: 1st March 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 12th January 2016
Location: Seer Green, Buckinghamshire
Job Starts: January 2016
Duration: 2 times per week
Employer: Lindy
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Rufus
Breed: Dalmatian
Size: Large
Temper: Loves people, difficult with other dogs
Dog Walker
- Want dog(s) to be walked alone
Rufus is a 10 year old Dalmatian, loves people but is very temperamental with other dogs. Sometimes he's fine and other times he's not, so he's happier walking on his own or with dogs he knows. He's very lovable and happiest when walked with a ball.
I work full time in Oxford and he needs to be let out and walked in the middle of the day. My current dog walker is having some health problems so I need a back up and job share.
My partner is moving in shortly, he has two 8 year old black Labrador retrievers (well socialised, good with people and dogs) who will be added to the mix. From the end January / beginning of February, all 3 dogs will need walking.
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