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Dog Walker Wanted Berkshire
No. of Applicants: 4
Pay: £10-15visit/walk
Applications Close: 17th December 2017
Job Specifics
Posted On: 26th November 2017
Location: Windsor, Berkshire
Job Starts: asap
Duration: Weekdays
Employer: Jill
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Dylan
Breed: British Bulldog
Dog Walker
Hi. Dylan, my Bulldog is getting old now and whilst he still obviously needs walking, he can only manage around 20-30 mins at a time.
I need someone to take him out in the afternoons. If you walk dogs in groups you would need to factor in the length of time he can walk and his speed, a solo walk could be a better idea.
If you have time to take him please could you let me know the cost for both a solo and group walk?
Thanks very much. Jill.
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