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Dog Walker Sitter Wanted London (North)

No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 22nd June 2016 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 17th June 2016
Location: tufnell park, London (North)
Job Starts: 24/06/16
Employer: Sarah

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: JACK AND JILL
Temper: GREAT


Dog Walker

Dog Sitter


I am caring for my dads dogs following him having an accident. I work and need someone to please sit with them in my flat from 9am-7pm 2 days a week (or 12-7pm 3 days a week) taking them out for short wee walks as one is having an operation so can only go for short walks. I am also looking for someone to sit with them for 2 hours in the evening a couple of nights a week. They have anxiety issues when left alone, hence my problem in walking one without the other and leaving them on their own at all. They are lovely gentle old dogs. I live in Tufnell Park. If you can help please do contact me.

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"Hi my name is Linda, from Stansted Dogs, just to say I am walking very nice dog Kofe that came to me through this site. Kofe has very good owners but they knew he needed to get out more as they are..."

- Linda Deavy -

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