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Dog Walker Sitter Wanted Essex
No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 18th February 2017
Job Specifics
Posted On: 12th February 2017
Location: Clacton on sea, Essex
Job Starts: 20th Feb
Duration: Monday / Thursdays
Employer: Heidi
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Honey and Gigi
Breed: Pomeranian and Chiuaha
Size: Medium/small
Temper: Excitable, playful
Dog Walker
- Want dog(s) to be walked alone
Dog Sitter
We require a Dog sitter or walker for an hour or so a day, Monday to Thursday.
We have a Pomeranian cross who is nearly two years old and a Chiuaha cross who is 7 months old.
They're both are very playful and loving dogs but can be territorial/ yappy when taking them for walks.
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