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Dog Walker Sitter Wanted Cheshire

No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £min wage/hour
Applications Close: 6th March 2016 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 21st February 2016
Location: Runcorn, Cheshire
Job Starts: Immediate
Duration: Ongoing
Employer: Abigail

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Lulu & the team
Breed: Bulldogs/Pugs/Frenchie
Size: Small-Large
Temper: Mixed


Dog Walker

Dog Sitter


Finstar Kennels are hobby breeders of predominantly Bulldogs and Pugs - we can have between 10-16 dogs with us - this requires a lot of work. I am looking for somebody who is flexible and can assist us at times of need - this includes mornings/weekends/overnight stays/holidays etc. This is not regular hours but more on an as and when basis.

The ideal candidate will be local, will be experienced in handling animals, will be willing to learn and, if they are keen, will be willing to show my dogs as this is something I would like to do but due to disability can't. If you think you can build this in to your programme, then please contact me.

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"Just met Darcy and im pleased to say that she will be coming to stay with me soon while her owners go on holiday. Thanks to this site."

- Susan Park -

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