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Dog Walker Sitter Daycare Wanted Surrey

No. of Applicants: 5
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 22nd November 2015 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 12th November 2015
Location: Wallington, Surrey
Job Starts: Immediately
Duration: Indefinite
Employer: Lisa

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Dexter
Breed: Doberman
Size: Large
Temper: Loves everyone / human and dog!


Dog Walker

Dog Sitter

- Overnight stays required at Sitters house

- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house

Dog Daycare


Hi. I have just lost my dog walker to ill-health and due to my working pattern I am unable to give Dexter the attention that he needs. My previous sitter used to collect him from me on a Monday and return him on Wednesday evening (as I teach until 9 PM on two of those days). While I would not necessarily require that, I do require some kind of daycare on Wednesday particularly and the minimum of an extensive walk on a Tuesday. Other days are negotiable. Unfortunately I have just slipped a disc in my back. So I find that my need is particularly urgent, as I am currently unable to walk him at all!

Dexter is a lovely friendly dog, but he is a Doberman and he's big and he's strong so whoever walks him needs to be used to big dogs. He is only two and for anybody who knows Dobermans will understand what that means! (It means he has a lot of energy and is very bouncy and full of exuberance, Dobes are slower to mature and he has a lot of puppy in him!) I would describe him as a cross between Tigger and Scooby Doo!

He gets on very well with all dogs, however Some dogs don\'t seem to like him, whether that is because of his breed or because he is male or because he is very enthusiastic, I am not sure, but he is more likely to be snapped at and bitten by another dog, he has never retaliated. He does come when called and he does know how to sit and behave, he also knows how to take advantage and not behave if he can get away with it! So you have to know what you are doing with him. ( He is a little bit like a three-year-old boy in that regard!) He is very loving though and loves a cuddle, expect it to be reciprocated!

I will need for him to be collected and dropped off while I am not home. I would therefore prefer somebody with insurance, references and experience. Thank you

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"Hurrah! I have just met the lovely Barnie and he's coming to stay in a few weeks all thanks to Dog Walking now. This is a marvellous resource for both owners and walkers alike. Fab - thankyou!"

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