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Dog Walker Sitter Daycare Wanted London (South West)
No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 17th October 2015
Job Specifics
Posted On: 29th September 2015
Location: Acton, London (South West)
Job Starts: 17 October
Duration: On going
Employer: James
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Indianna
Breed: Weimaraner
Size: Puppy
Temper: Lovely
Dog Walker
Dog Sitter
Dog Daycare
We have recently bought home our new weimaraner puppy and both work odd times, so during the day we would like him to have some body to come and look after him when we cant. So to begin with whilst still young day care would be perfect but moving forward the older he gets it would more likely be walking only, but that is not for quite a few months. Please let us know if you are interested and what you offer and for what.
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