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Dog Walker Sitter Daycare Wanted Lincolnshire
No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £7.50hour
Applications Close: 1st January 2019
Job Specifics
Posted On: 8th May 2018
Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Job Starts: 20/05/18
Duration: Ongoing
Employer: Phoebe
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Callie
Breed: Mixed Breed Rescue Dog
Size: Small
Temper: Please see job description
Dog Walker
Dog Sitter
- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house
Dog Daycare
Hello! I am adopting Callie from a UK charity that brings dogs over from Romania. She is due to arrive in the UK around the 24th May, so this advert is initially to gauge interest from anyone local to me so I can start making plans for her care. Once she is here and I have spent some more time with her I can update on temperament, but the rescuers have told me that she is very happy, relaxed and quiet.
I work from home most days but occasionally have to get over to Derby, Leicester or Nottingham as I work with companies based there. I ideally need someone who could come over for an hour or so once or twice a day on occasions where I do have to work away (this is on average one day out of ten i\'d say, but can get busier depending on what projects I have on). I also have a couple of weekends booked in over the summer where I would need Callie to be cared for the weekend.
I would like to find someone walking distance away from me, who loves dogs and understands the sometimes unpredictable nature of rescues. Patience, kindness and flexibility are key!
To apply just send a little info about your dog handling experience, availability and location.
Many thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
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