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Dog Walker Daycare Wanted London (South West)
No. of Applicants: 9
Pay: £10day walking/£15 half day
Applications Close: 1st August 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 12th July 2016
Location: Wimbledon, London (South West)
Job Starts: 01/08/2016
Duration: Ongoing
Employer: Lucy
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Bella
Breed: Maltese x shih tzu
Size: Small
Temper: Friendly and well behaved
Dog Walker
Dog Daycare
I'm to Wimbledon in July 2016 and so looking for a local dog walker to walk Bella on an ongoing basis or half day dog daycare. No of days TBC as still trying to confirm my work schedule but it will definitely be a few days per week every week so looking for someone who is available on a permanent basis and can be flexible on days.
Bella is a sweet and friendly dog, she is very sociable and currently walks within a group of dogs so I would like to continue this. She gets on best with small or medium sized dogs who are of similar temperament - friendly and playful. We are moving to within 5 minutes walk from the common so would be easy to walk her there everyday.
Please contact me if interested for more information.
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