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Dog Walker Daycare Wanted London (South East)
No. of Applicants: 6
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 5th February 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 20th January 2016
Location: Bromley, London (South East)
Job Starts: February 2016
Duration: Ongoing
Employer: Kate
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Charlie
Breed: Havanese
Size: Toy
Dog Walker
- Want dog(s) to be walked alone
Dog Daycare
I'm looking for a dog walker / dog daycare for up to 1-2 days per week, days to vary (depending on my partner's shifts) for my 10 month old havanese. I would like him walked on a lead at all times. He's a bit scared of other dogs, so may need some more socialisation before he would be happy to be walked in a group.
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