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Dog Walker Daycare Wanted London (South East)
No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 23rd November 2015
Job Specifics
Posted On: 13th November 2015
Location: Kennington, London (South East)
Job Starts: Monday 16th November
Duration: Ongoing
Employer: Izzy
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: TBC
Breed: Jackhuahua
Size: Small
Dog Walker
Dog Daycare
Hello, I am picking up my little jackhuahua puppy this weekend and am looking ideally to start with someone that can care for my puppy for an hour or 2 for the first few months Monday - Friday while I am at work. I am open to suggestions re whether it is best to have my puppy at your home for a couple of hours, or whether you would prefer to come and check on him at my flat once or twice during the day.
Once my puppy is older then I will be looking for someone to come and walk him once in the day, with the possibility of occasionally having 2 walks if there are evenings when I cannot get back early. I would ideally like to find someone who I can work with in the long term from first getting my puppy so that I know they feel safe and happy with that person. I look forward to hearing from you, thanks!
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