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Dog Walker Daycare Wanted Buckinghamshire
No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £20day
Applications Close: 8th October 2017
Job Specifics
Posted On: 13th September 2017
Location: Langley near Slough/Windsor, Buckinghamshire
Job Starts: 2nd October
Duration: Mon-Thur, most weeks
Employer: Jessica
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Milo
Breed: Leonberger
Size: giant breed, 60kg weight
Temper: very gentle, loves other dogs and cats
Dog Walker
Dog Daycare
We would like someone to collect Milo each morning from our home Monday-Thursday (SL38AR), walk him (he is fine with other dogs), take care of him till the afternoon and return him. Ideally he would be collected before 9 and returned after 3 but we can be flexible. We would like this to be long term apart from school holidays. If the sitter has flexibility for occasional overnights that would be good and we would pay extra.
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