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Dog Sitter Wanted Surrey
No. of Applicants: 6
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 30th July 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 28th April 2016
Location: Twickenha, Surrey
Job Starts: 22 july
Duration: 17
Employer: Francoise
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Eddy
Breed: staffie x husky
Size: medium
Temper: as gentle as a lamb
- Want dog(s) to be walked alone
Dog Sitter
- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house
Eddy will probably have surgery mid-June with Super vet Fitzpatrick and will not be allowed to walk for 6 weeks, after that he should have little walk which is when we go on holiday. We are looking for a sitter who will look after Eddy when we are away.
I would be preferable for Eddy to be without other dogs as he is very sociable and we do not want to see him excited as he will still be in recovery. At this time, He will probably requires little walks of 10 mins. He understands he has to be at home and he is not destructive. He is the perfect dog.
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