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Dog Sitter Wanted Suffolk

No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 15th October 2017 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 19th August 2017
Location: Stowmarket, Suffolk
Job Starts: 17 December 2017
Duration: 11 nights
Employer: Patricia

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Bella
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Size: Small 2.5 kilos
Temper: Friendly


Dog Sitter

- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house


We are hoping to find a nice place for our little dog Bella to stay over the Christmas holidays, 17-28 Dec. Bella is 10-years old and still very active. She is in excellent health, except for her teeth,
de-scaling and possible extractions arranged for later this month! She loves her daily walks and is very curious. She has been part of the family since she was a puppy, so as our only pet has always had lots of attention. Bella does not like being left alone so anyone who works or is not home most of the day and evening would not be suitable. Bella gets along very well with other dogs but unfortunately she and cats do not get along, therefore a cat owner would not be suitable. A secure fenced garden is essential. As mentioned Bella AKA Houdini is very curious and where there is an opening she will find it and being tiny she can squeeze through the smallest space!

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