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Dog Sitter Wanted London (West)

No. of Applicants: 3
Pay: £15visit/walk
Applications Close: 1st April 2019 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 22nd January 2019
Location: Shepherds Bush, London (West)
Job Starts: ASAP
Duration: 2-3 times per week, ongo
Employer: Ben

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Floyd and Dizzy
Breed: Weimaraner & Dachshund
Size: Large, small
Temper: Nervous/Nippy, Excited


Dog Sitter


We are looking for someone who can pop in a couple of time per week when we are both at work to play with the dogs and let them out into the garden.
Floyd is very nervous and we will need a couple of visits for him to get used to you, but once he has accepted you all he will want to do is cuddle.
We do not expect you will be able to walk them initially so just house visits for now.
Ideally we are looking for someone who can take this on long term and perhaps start doing more with the dogs e.g. walking, holiday sitting etc.

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"Thank you Dog Walking now for another lovely dog that i have gained from this site he is called Louis who is a belgian shepherd and just under a year old who i walk for 30 minutes 4 days a..."

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