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Dog Sitter Wanted London (West)
No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 27th October 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 25th October 2016
Location: hyde park, London (West)
Job Starts: 25th October
Duration: 7 nights
Employer: David
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Ollie and Boo Boo
Breed: Shelties
Size: Small/Medium
Temper: Loving and adorable
Dog Sitter
- Overnight stays required at Sitters house
- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house
Ollie and Boo Boo are two shelties.
Boo Boo is a very small sheltie and loves everyone.
Ollie is her boyfriend and they get on very well.
My fiancee and I are staying at a friends apartment near Hyde Park, but unfortunately, dogs are not allowed, therefore, we are looking for a sitter who can look after them overnight.
We would like to take them for walks in the park during the day and can therefore relieve the sitter from the dog sitting duties during some of the days.
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