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Dog Sitter Wanted London (South East)

No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £250visit/walk
Applications Close: 14th January 2019 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 20th November 2018
Location: Greenwich, London (South East)
Job Starts: January 14th
Duration: 10 days
Employer: Patsy

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Lil
Breed: Pug


Dog Sitter

- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house


Hello all, I live near Greenwich Park and I'm hoping to find someone suitable to Dog Sit Lil,

Dates are Jan 14-25 2019. You would be required to stay at my house, feed and walk Lil twice daily and provide company for her when possible.

I can pay in the region of £250 for the stay. All of Lil's food will be provided for along with emergency vet contact number and mine.

If you have this period free and can offer your help please send me a message with your details and costs.



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"I got a Dog Sitting job for a 4 months old Labradoodle through Dog Walking Now. The puppy was with me last Tuesday and Friday."

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