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Dog Sitter Wanted London (South East)
No. of Applicants: 7
Pay: £170 week
Applications Close: 15th July 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 29th June 2016
Location: Sydenham, London (South East)
Job Starts: Evening Friday 15th July
Duration: 15 nights
Employer: Debbie
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Alfie
Breed: Jack Russell
Size: Small
Temper: Loving, playful and chilled around the house, dislikes cats/foxes
Dog Sitter
- Overnight stays required at Sitters house
- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house
Looking for someone caring, loving and intuitive with dogs to look after Alfie, my long haired Parsons Jack Russell whilst we are away on holiday. Alfie usually stays with his daycare provider, however unfortunately they are not available for the full two week period we are away. We would need Alfie to be collected and returned to our home in Sydenham.
Alfie is a very sweet dog, he loves cuddles, company and is very relaxed around the house. He is feisty around cats (unfortunately they are his nemesis) but enjoys playing with other dogs. Will give a full character briefing to whoever wins the job!
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