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Dog Sitter Wanted Leicestershire
No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 30th July 2017
Job Specifics
Posted On: 2nd February 2017
Location: Enderby, Leicestershire
Job Starts: 14/08/17
Duration: 11
Employer: Lisa
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Oscar
Breed: Spocker
Size: Medium
Temper: Lively, friendly
Dog Sitter
- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house
We have a male Spocker who wil be 2yrs 2mth in August. My sister is able to have him most of the time, but we need him to be cared for 14-17/8/17 and 21-24/8/17.
He's lovely, very lively and loves good walks. Unfortunately he developed epilepsy last August, he needs medication twice a day. At the moment he fits about every three wks. When he was having clusters, but on a new level of meds he only had two short ones last time.
I would be interested in either boarding or someone doing day care at our house.
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