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Dog Sitter Wanted East Sussex

No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £25-30visit/walk
Applications Close: 13th January 2019 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 8th November 2018
Location: Bexhill, East Sussex
Job Starts: Jan 25th-Feb 6th
Duration: 12/13 nights
Employer: Winnie

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Rolo
Breed: French Bulldog
Size: Small for breed
Temper: Loving


Dog Sitter


Hi, I am looking for a dog sitting service for Jan/Feb.

I have a small French Bulldog called Rolo who will need to be looked after from January 25th to February 6th. He is small for his breed, well mannered and loves cuddles.

I am happy for the sitter to stay at my home in Bexhill (right near the beach). Rolo will need a walk in the morning and he usually just goes out in the garden in the evening in the Winter.

Please contact me with your cost for the stay and let me know a bit about your background?

Thank you


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"I got a Dog Sitting job for a 4 months old Labradoodle through Dog Walking Now. The puppy was with me last Tuesday and Friday."

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