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Dog Sitter Wanted East Sussex

No. of Applicants: 1
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 2nd May 2018 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 31st March 2018
Location: Hastings/St Leonards, East Sussex
Job Starts: 03.05.18
Duration: 10 days
Employer: Jo

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Happy
Breed: Shiba Inu x Staffie
Size: Medium
Temper: Friendly, energetic, very loving!


Dog Sitter

- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house


Hi there,
Happy is an 8 month old Shiba Inu x Staffie with the absolute best traits of both breeds. He is smart, affectionate, playful and full of beans. He's also much better looking than you might imagine! We are in need of a full time sitter for him for ten days due to a family trip that was arranged prior to his arrival (which was a semi-rescue) and unfortunately cannot be changed.

It's not an ideal situation, but we're hoping you might be able to help him out? The position would be paid, of course, and Happy can be delivered to you and picked up again, wherever you are. He has been great with all other dogs so far and is very much used to children. He's having a cat test this week, but is already known to be fine with the rabbits and pigs that lived at his former home.

He has basic recall and is now in proper training to brush up on all his basic skills. He's a great little guy. Please drop me a line if you have any thoughts. Kindest Regards, Jo

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