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Dog Sitter Wanted East Sussex
No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 30th January 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 20th January 2016
Location: Lewes, East Sussex
Job Starts: 15th July
Duration: 2 weeks
Employer: Annette
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Lottie
Breed: Collie/Spaniel Cross
Size: medium
Temper: friendly and loving
Dog Sitter
- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house
Looking after my 9 year old collie/spaniel cross. She is very calm in the house and loves going on long walks and is happy to be walked off lead and on. Likes most other dogs except jack russells. Is fond of chasing rabbits, as we have hundreds near our house. I would like to meet up beforehand to ensure everyone is happy and it will work. Many thanks and look forward to hearing from you.
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