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Dog Sitter Wanted Devon
No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 15th September 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 24th August 2016
Location: Ilfracombe, Devon
Job Starts: 16th Sept - 17th Sept
Duration: 6-8 hours each day
Employer: Kate
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Doogie, Bruno and Diego
Breed: 2 Jack Russells and Rhodesian Ridgeback
Size: 2 Small & 1 Large
Temper: All very friendly and well behaved
Dog Sitter
I am looking for someone to sit with my 2 Jack Russells and 1 Rhodesian Ridgeback at a house in Ilfracombe while we are visiting the area for the weekend. We have a wedding to attend on Friday 16th Sept so will need someone from approx. 1pm until 10pm (or as late as you can do) and then from approx. 1pm until 8pm (or as late as you can do) on Saturday 17th Sept.
All dogs are very friendly and well behaved but I just don't like leaving them for long periods, especially in a house they don't know. We take them away a fair bit though so they are used to being in strange surroundings. We will have walked them both days before we go out so walks will not be necessary, just the odd play in the garden throughout the day.
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