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Dog Sitter Wanted Argyll and Bute
No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £100.00night
Applications Close: 20th March 2018
Job Specifics
Posted On: 18th February 2018
Location: Isle of skye, Argyll and Bute
Job Starts: 29.03.18
Duration: 3 evenings from 6pm - 11
Employer: Ruth
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Nanu & Martii
Breed: Weimarner
Size: Medium
Temper: Happy playful gentle
Dog Sitter
We are two beautiful dogs in need of dogsitting for a few hours each night while we have dinner.
We will have walked them a lot during the day so they will be sleepy, but anyways like human company.
We are staying at the flodigarry hotel on the Isle of Skye, so ideally the dog sitting would be in the hotel (dog friendly) while we are out.
They are beautiful well cared for and professionally trained dogs.
Very best
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