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Dog Sitter Daycare Wanted Derbyshire

No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 14th October 2016 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 23rd September 2016
Location: ripley, Derbyshire
Job Starts: 09/11/16
Duration: 7 days
Employer: Diane

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: rocco (rocky)
Breed: cross
Size: smallish
Temper: loving


- Want dog(s) to be walked alone

Dog Sitter

- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house

Dog Daycare


I'm going on holiday in November and need someone to care for Rocco. He is a rescue dog so I don't want to put him in kennels. He is a somewhat velcro dog but is obedient and loves walks and people. He is 7 years old and I rescued him 9 months ago. I have been on holiday during this time and my student daughter looked after him at my house. However she is working now and can't do it.

I would love for Rocco to be boarded at someones house after initial day care to get him used to the change. I would also look for this to be a long term arrangement where Rocco would be in daycare for one day a week and in boarding care for subsequent holidays. I like the idea of continuity for Rocco and myself and the dog sitter, He is a lovely softee and tummy tickle is his favourite thing.

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