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Dog Daycare Wanted Somerset
No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 14th November 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 8th October 2016
Location: Ilminster/Taunton, Somerset
Job Starts: 15/10/16
Duration: 2 days
Employer: Elizabeth
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Elizabeth Sparkes
Breed: whippet
Size: medium
Temper: typical for breed
Dog Daycare
I am looking for someone to look after my 2 adolescent whippets whilst I teach, initially for 2 days 15th & 16th Oct.
My dogs usually come to work with me, and have never been left at home alone, but my business is now expanding and I am aware not all my students love my friendly and exuberant dogs as much as I do so I am hoping to find someone to care for them so I don\'t have to lock them in a room by themselves whilst I teach. I work in Ilminster, but live in Taunton, so either place (or somewhere between) would work for us.
If it goes well, I would be looking for the same person to offer day care in the future too.. it will usually be weekends, but occasional weekdays too. It could be as much as 4 days a month.
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