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Dog Daycare Wanted Moray

No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 26th April 2016 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 3rd April 2016
Location: Elgin, Moray
Job Starts: 24th May 2016
Duration: 6 days
Employer: Laura

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Percy
Breed: cockapoo
Size: small
Temper: Loving, excitable


- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house

Dog Daycare


Percy needs a home while we attend a Wedding. He loves meeting new people and would love to stay at your house for a holiday.

Percy likes company from other dogs and people. He lives indoors and is fully house trained.

Walking: Percy is allowed off his lead and comes back when called..sometimes a treat helps :).

Please get in touch if you are interested.

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