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Dog Daycare Wanted London (South East)

No. of Applicants: 2
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 15th November 2015 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 28th October 2015
Location: 54, London (South East)
Job Starts: 20/11/2015
Duration: 4 days a week
Employer: Rohit

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Rohit Sabhlok
Breed: Spaniel
Size: small/medium
Temper: quiet but excitable


Dog Daycare


We need a long term commitment for someone to look after our dog whilst we are out at work probably 4/5 days a week. They would either be able to pick up the dog or we could walk him over (we are located in Camberwell SE5 8DG) and then we could pick him up in the evening around 1845 - so times would be 8am-7pm with occasional overnight stays. I stress we would like to have the same person for years so happy to pay in blocks in advance for a good rate per day and provide food/toys/bedding etc.

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"Hurrah! I have just met the lovely Barnie and he's coming to stay in a few weeks all thanks to Dog Walking now. This is a marvellous resource for both owners and walkers alike. Fab - thankyou!"

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