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Dog Daycare Wanted London (Central)

No. of Applicants: 5
Pay: £ Tbc
Applications Close: 28th February 2017 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 12th February 2017
Location: Victoria/Pimlico, London (Central)
Job Starts: August 2017
Duration: 12 nights
Employer: Mandy

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Vincent
Breed: Shih Tzu
Size: small
Temper: very friendly and loving


- Holiday sitting required at Sitters house

Dog Daycare


Hi there,
We have an adorable dog called Vincent. He's 16 months old and an absolute delight! Super cute, incredibly friendly and totally loving.
We're going abroad on holiday at the start of August and need someone to look after him for 12 nights. Previously he's spent the odd night at my parents place (they've got 2 Shih Tzu's) but never a long period away from us. So we're looking for someone loving to have him while we're away. Must have experience with dogs and prepared to walk him 3/4 times a day - he doesn't need long walks, 10/15 min at a time. He's also great with kids as we've got 2 young sons. He adores other dogs, in fact he'd love it if you did have another dog! Am prepared to travel (within reason) to drop him off and collect him. Daily rate negotiable. Please get in touch if you're interested and think you might be the right fit for him.

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