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Dog Daycare Wanted Essex
No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £ Negotiable
Applications Close: 13th November 2016
Job Specifics
Posted On: 8th November 2016
Location: Witham, Essex
Job Starts: possible 14/11/2016
Duration: 12 weeks
Employer: Monique
About the Dog(s)
Dog(s) Name: Josie
Breed: Doberman
Size: med
Temper: lay back, young bitch
Dog Daycare
I have accepted a night job in Witham for the sole reason of my dog. But I have about 12 weeks training what is in daytime. Ideally we would like daycare for her as she has never been on her own for a long time. She is good with other dogs, loves to play. Is a bit weary of small dogs as they have attacked her a few times. Josie don\'t know how to defend herself when attacked.
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