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Dog Daycare Wanted Cheshire

No. of Applicants: 0 - Be the FIRST TO APPLY!
Pay: £10day
Applications Close: 8th October 2020 

Job Specifics

Posted On: 3rd September 2019
Location: Daresbury, Cheshire
Job Starts: September 2019 and for 6
Duration: Approx 9 days per month
Employer: David

About the Dog(s)

Dog(s) Name: Loki
Breed: Labrador
Size: Puppy 12 weeks old
Temper: Loving, excitable, cute (pic available)


Dog Daycare


We have a beautiful 12 week old lab who has his final vaccinations on Thursday and ready to day care/board and socialise with other dogs. I work full time but my partner flies part time for British Airways, so most of the time we can look after Loki (I can do a bit of working from home too and partners varying shifts).

We are looking for dog day care, for example in Sept we’d need just 9 days in the month (due to shifts) etc and I could let you know the previous month exactly what days we’d need. For example on 4th of every month (like September) I can tell you what days we would need for October and so on and so on. We are happy to pay in advance too.

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"Dogwalking now is amazing ive been on the site for 2 days and already found a few jobs im interested in!!! Hopefully ill get them!! Feel free to look at my profile!! Thanks dogwalking now!!!"

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